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网站公告 北海变压器生产厂家-昌能变压器制造有限公司是山东昌能集团的核心企业,主导产品有2200kV级以下的北海油浸式变压器,北海干式变压器,北海非晶合金变压器,整流变压器,电炉变压器,矿用变压器,卷铁芯变压器,船用变压器,北海特种变压器,箱式变电站等30多个系列,1000多种规格,以及非标产品的设计和制造.
电   话:0635-8877778
传   真:0635-8871888
地   址:山东省聊城经济技术开发区华山路76号
Place of origin andCharacteristics硅钢片
Silicon steel sheet全新优质晶粒取向高导磁冷轧硅钢片
New high quality grain oriented high permeability magnetic cold rolled silicon steel sheet 产地:武钢或新日铁。激磁电流、铁损耗、饱和参数性能优越。冷轧硅钢带由于具有较高的导磁系数和较低的损耗,因此用来制作北海干式变压器具有体积小、重量轻、效率高的优势。热轧硅钢带则逊色于冷轧硅钢带,而二次片、拼接片等对北海干式变压器使用寿命危害就更不用说了。
Origin: WISCO or Nippon Steel. Excitation current, iron loss, and saturation parameters are superior. Cold-rolled silicon steel strips have the advantages of small size, light weight and high efficiency due to their high magnetic permeability and low loss. Hot-rolled silicon steel strips are inferior to cold-rolled silicon steel strips, and secondary sheets, splices, etc. are not harmful to the service life of transformers.北海干式变压器绕组
Transformer winding紫铜
Copper 产地:洛阳铜业。含铜量99.999%,国家规定:电工用铜纯度必须在99.5%以上的紫铜。黄铜可用在小功率非电力北海干式变压器上,且属于不合格违规使用。另用黄铜做北海干式变压器线圈会增加铜损(负载损耗),降低北海干式变压器使用功率等,是十分有害的。
Origin: Luoyang Copper. The copper content is 99.999%, and the state stipulates that the copper purity of the electrician must be 99.5% or more. Brass can be used on low-power non-power transformers and is a non-conforming violation. Another use of brass as a transformer coil will increase copper loss (load loss) and reduce the power used by the transformer. It is very harmful.母排
Insulating oil环烷基矿物油
Cycloalkyl mineral oil 产地:新疆克拉玛依油田。清洁而透明的液体,不得有沉淀物、机械杂质悬浮物及棉絮状物质。劣质油或二次油存在加速北海干式变压器老化,噪音大、易短路烧毁,使用寿命短。
Origin: Xinjiang Karamay Oilfield. Clean and transparent liquids must be free of deposits, suspended solids of mechanical impurities and cotton-like materials. Inferior oil or secondary oil exists to accelerate the aging of the transformer, the noise is large, the short circuit is easy to burn, and the service life is short.绝缘纸
Insulating paper牛皮纸/NOMEX绝缘纸
Kraft paper / NOMEX insulation paper 产地:许昌绝缘材料厂或美国杜邦公司。绝缘纸是北海干式变压器的重要组成部分,北海干式变压器老化、烧坏的主要原因之一是使用低价劣质绝缘纸,易发生电弧击穿,缩短了使用寿命。
Origin: Xuchang Insulation Material Factory or DuPont Company of the United States. Insulation paper is an important part of the transformer. One of the main reasons for the aging and burning of the transformer is the use of low-cost inferior insulating paper, which is prone to arc breakdown and shortens the service life.环氧树脂
Epoxy resin高环氧值(>40)6101环氧树脂
igh epoxy value (>40) 6101 epoxy resin 产地:瑞士汽巴嘉吉。F/H级蕞高耐温155℃/180℃。耐温、耐压、硬度、收缩率、吸水率、玻化温度、粘接强度、拉伸强度等技术指标对北海干式变压器绝缘、浇注质量非常关键。
Origin: Swiss Ciba Cargill. The F/H grade has a maximum temperature resistance of 155 ° C / 180 电 话:0635-8877778 ° C. Technical indexes suc地 址:山东省聊城经济技术开发区华山路76号h as temperature resistance, pressure resistance, hardness, shrinkage, water absorption, glass transition temperature, bonding strength and tensile strength are critical to the insulation and casting quality of dry-type transformers.电工木
Electrician wood榉树木
Eucalyptus 产地:东南亚、内蒙古,由南方机车厂、内蒙古阿里河电厂提供,绝缘能力强,抗张强度高。
Origin: Southeast Asia, Inner Mongolia, provided by Southern Locomotive Works and Inner Mongolia Alihe Power Plant, with strong insulation and high tensile strength.

技术参数 Parameters

Transformer Type电压组合Voltage Combination联结组别
Connection Group短路阻抗
Short- circuit Impedance损耗(W) Loss空载电流
No-load current
Tap Range低压
No-load Loss负载
Load LossSCB10-30/10-0.411


Note:The above parameters are for reference only, which is subject to actual conditions. Our company continuously optimizes the design of the products, and if there are any changes without prior notice, the right of interpretation belongs to Taizhou Liwei Power TechnologyCo., Ltd.!

执行标准 Standard

1、GB1094.11-2007 干式电力北海干式变压器

2、GB/T10228-2008 干式电力北海干式变压器技术参数和要求

3、GB1094.10-2003 电力北海干式变压器第3部分:绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙

4、JB/T10008-2004 6~500KV级北海干式变压器声级

5、JB/T56009-1998 干式电力北海干式变压器产品质量分等

1. GB1094.11-2007 dry power transformer

2. GB/T10228-2008 dry power transformer technical parameters and requirements

3. GB1094.10-2003 Power transformers - Part 3: Insulation level, insulation test and external insulation air gap

4. JB/T10008-2004 6~500KV class transformer sound level

5. JB/T56009-1998 dry power transformer product quality grading

安装尺寸 Size

Transformer Type外形尺寸(mm)
Installation Gauge重量(Kg)
WeightSCB10-30/10-0.4645*460*660400*400265SCB10-50/10-0.4690*460*710400*400300SCB10-63/10-0.4810*460*790500*400395SCB10-80/10-0.4830*460*880500*400485SCB10-100/10-0.4910*800*925550*740575SCB10-125/10-0.4910*800*955550*740620SCB10-160/10-0.4910*800*1000550*740650SCB10-200/10-0.4940*900*1090550*820900SCB10-250/10-0.4980*900*1160550*8201020SCB10-315/10-0.41020*900*1235550*8201280SCB10-400/10-0.41030*900*1260550*8201450SCB10-500/10-0.41140*890*1315660*8201560SCB10-630/10-0.41210*890*1250660*8201650SCB10-800/10-0.41350*890*1350820*8201970SCB10-1000/10-0.41380*890*1350820*8202170SCB10-1250/10-0.41425*890*1430820*8202750SCB10-1600/10-0.41420*1100*1680820*10203200SCB10-2000/10-0.41540*1200*17351070*11203710SCB10-2500/10-0.41550*1200*19051070*11204460注:以上参数仅供参考,具体以实际为准。我公司不断对产品进行优化设计,如有改动,恕不另行通知,解释权归台州力威电源科技有限公司所有!Note:The above parameters are for reference only, which is subject to actual conditions. Our company continuously optimizes the design of the products, and if there are any changes without prior notice, the right of interpretation belongs to Taizhou LiweiPower TechnologyCo., Ltd.!

订货须知 order


1. product model2.rated capacity (kVA), three-winding transformer high, medium and low voltage winding capacity ratio (%)3. high voltage rated voltage (kV), voltage regulation mode, number of stages and tap voltage percentage (%)4.the medium voltage rated voltage (kV), voltage regulation mode, the number of stages and the percentage of tapping voltage (%)5. low voltage rated voltage (kV)6.short circuit impedance (%)7. the junction group label8. cooling method9.special requirements: such as ambient temperature, altitude, phase number, frequency, on-load tap-changer, insulation level, environmental requirements.
SCB10北海干式变压器(选型表)-SCB10型环氧树脂浇注北海干式变压器 2020-10-08 本文被阅读 274 次
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SCB10北海干式变压器(选型表)由台州力威电源科技有限公司提供,SCB10型环氧树脂浇注北海干式变压器具有安全,阻燃防火,无污染,可直接安装在负荷中心。免维护、安装简便。防潮性能好,停运后不经预干燥即可投入运行。损耗低,局部放电量低、噪音小、强迫风冷条件下可以120% 额定负载运行。自己备有完善的温度保护控制系统,为北海干式变压器安全运行提供可靠保障。该产品的可靠性指标已经达到国内先进水平。

SCB10 epoxy resin cast three-phase dry-type transformer has safety, fire-retardant and fire-proof, no pollution, and can be directly installed in the load center. Maintenance free and easy to install. It has good moisture-proof performance and can be put into operation without pre-drying after shutdown. Low loss, low partial discharge, low noise, and 120% rated load operation under forced air cooling. It has a complete temperature pr  公司秉承“以质量求发展,以信誉求生存”的质量方针,以“坚守诚心服务,取信天下客户”为经营理念,始终坚持以一流的品质,一流的服务来赢得市场otection control system to provide reliable protection for the safe operation of the transformer. The reliability index of this product has reached the domestic advanced level.

型号含义 Meaning








1. The coil is wound by copper wire or foil, reinforced with glass fiber, epoxy resin without filler vacuum drying, degassing and dehumidification, casting, high mechanical strength, short circuit resistance and strong impact resistance.

2. The first end of the high-voltage winding and the intermediate tapping tap are embedded with copper inserts. The steel is good, easy to shift, beautiful and neat.

3. the iron core is made of high-quality grain oriented cold-rolled silicon steel sheet, 45 degree full oblique multi-step seam. The surface is covered with a resin insulating coating to resist moisture, rust and noise.

4. The elastic core is clamped between the iron core, the clamp and the coil, so that the coil is in a stable compression state to reduce noise.

5. The transformer is designed according to self-cooling. There is a longitudinal air duct inside the high (low) pressure coil wall of the whole casting. It can be equipped with forced air cooling device (cooling fan). After forced air cooling device, the output capacity can be increased. %.

6. With a thermostat, place a platinum resistor (Pt100) in the pre-buried hole at the top of the low voltage coil. In order to monitor the temperature rise of the transformer winding, the cooling fan is automatically started and stopped, and the fault alarm, over-temperature alarm and over-temperature trip function are provided to provide a reliable overload protection device for the dry-type transformer, thereby improving the safety of the dry-type transformer operation.

产品结构 Structure




Iron core: The iron core is made of imported high-quality cold-rolled silicon steel sheet, the third-order full-slant joint structure, the core column is bundled with F-class non-latitude belt, and the iron core surface is sealed with epoxy resin, which reduces the no-load loss and no-load current. And the iron sheet noise, the clip and the back part are specially treated to improve the appearance quality of the product.

Temperature control system and air cooling system: The cross-flow top-blown cooling fan is adopted. The cooling fan has the characteristics of low noise, high wind pressure and beautiful appearance, which enhances the overload capability of the transformer. The temperature control adopts an intelligent temperature controller to improve the safety and reliability of the transformer operation.

Protective casing and outlet busbar: The protective casing provides further protection for the transformer. The protection grades are IP20, IP23 and so on. The outer casing material is aluminum alloy, cold rolled steel plate, stainless steel, etc. for users to choose. The standard busbar discharge line for low-voltage outlets can be used for both side outlets and top outlets. Special outlets can also be designed for users.


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联系人:刘经理 电话:0635-8877778 手机:13969580508 传真:0635-8871888 
地址:山东省聊城经济技术开发区华山路76号 技术支持:互联纵横